Valgy - Acquistate - Universal

What Color?

What Color?
Prezzo: 1,99 US$
Categoria: Medicina
valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - What Color?valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - What Color?valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - What Color?valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - What Color?valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - What Color? 1 valutazioni
Società: Valgy
Data pubblicazione: 12 gennaio 2012
Tipo App: Universal (iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad)

What Color? is a complete application for the study and recognition of color, developed with the advice of a color-blind and with the help of a painter.

MAIN FEATURES: Identification of the color from any photo, identification of the color from any code, color tables, color names and speech synthesis. Only on iPhone, blind mode: shake the phone in main menu, p...


Calco VAT

Calco VAT
Prezzo: 0,99 US$
Categoria: Business/Finanza
Nessuna valutazione
Società: Valgy
Data pubblicazione: 13 ottobre 2011
Tipo App: Universal (iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad)


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On the iPhone:
Rotate application, scroll and select world rates or take notes in a notebook handy!
Touch the button, scroll down and select...
