marzapower - iPhone / iPod Touch

iSpent Free

iSpent Free
Prezzo: GRATIS
Categoria: Business/Finanza
valutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - iSpent Freevalutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - iSpent Freevalutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - iSpent Freevalutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - iSpent Freevalutazioni: iPhone/iPad App - iSpent Free 12 valutazioni
Società: marzapower
Data pubblicazione: 20 febbraio 2011
Tipo App: iPhone / iPod Touch

Who has never been found in the house with other roommates or friends, and had to think: "Now I have to deal again to see if I have to repay my debt to someone, or if anyone else is in debt to me. "

With iSpent the game is easy: for every small or big spending at home (and not) you decide who has paid and who participates in the expenditure. Adding up all the ...
